Treasury finally getting tough on banks
A $340 million warrant repurchase from credit card giant AmEx shows the Treasury, under pressure from Congress, is holding big banks' feet to the fire...
The AIG fiasco keeps getting worse
By Colin BarrThe AIG bailout isn't going away, much as Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner might like it to.The $180 billion fiasco was back in the news T...
Is this finally the economic collapse?
The Great Depression. Wall Street in 1987. Japan in 1997. Points of economic collapse are generally crystal clear in the rear-view mirror. Professiona...
Is China finally cooling off?
Chinese equity funds recently had their worst week in a long time. What's causing the blip?By Beth KowittInvestors have piled $3.24 billion into China...
Banks' new stress reliever
With stress tests soon to be in the rearview mirror, banks that need more capital may find themselves peddling assets to Treasury's public-private fun...
Some banks stuff the mattress
As results of the stress tests begin to roll in, some firms -- seeking to soothe watchdogs and unruly markets -- are holding huge amounts of cash.By C...
Treasury cashing in on JPMorgan stake
Taxpayers could get a $1 billion windfall as the government sells TARP securities to investors.By Colin BarrThe U.S. government is preparing to cash i...
Bang for the buck. Finally.
By Colin BarrNo matter what dollar doomsayers might say, the greenback's not done yet.The U.S. currency rose last week to its highest level in six mon...
Credit is finally available, but no one wants it
Finally, nearly two years after they were bailed out by Congress, big banks are beginning to ease lending standards for individuals and small business...
No Morgan Stanley handout, Treasury says
Earlier, I wrote a story on the latest report by the Special Inspector General for the Troubled Asset Relief Program. The story drew heavily on the co...